Upcoming Classes

Please note: All classes are via Zoom.


The Art of the Query Letter

Start Date: June 1, 2021 (2 weekly sessions)

Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PST

Class size: 5 - 15 students

Registration: Richard Hugo House

Whether your goal is securing an agent for your book or querying small presses directly, a stand-out query letter is essential. You only have one shot so make it count with a concise, intriguing description of your book as well as a bio that puts you in the best light possible. During the first session, we’ll discuss and spend time crafting elements of the perfect query. During the second session, we’ll workshop our queries.

Writing the Fictionalized Memoir

Start Date: June 15, 2021 (4 weekly sessions)

Time: 5 pm - 7 pm PST

Class Size: 5 - 15 students

Registration: Richard Hugo House

Are you struggling to tell your personal story in a dramatic and entertaining way—or fully understand what the book-worthy story truly is? One way to explore all the storytelling possibilities around real-life events is to infuse them with fiction. We’ll discuss strategies for combining fiction and memoir in ways that are meaningful to the theme of the book, expand the plot, and deepen characters. We’ll also complete and share scene-building exercises and discuss structural elements for this exciting hybrid.